Friday, January 15, 2021

35+ Attractive Tummy Tattoo Designs Lower Stomach Tattoos

Mandala is all time favorite design and is always in trend. Small and colorful tattoos look great on a fairer skin girl. Butterfly tattoos symbolize a new life or a new beginning.

© Adzee 83, The Thaynes.Belly tattoos for men. Gangster theme tattoo inked on belly of a men. © Best Ink or Not.Koi fish stomach tattooflashing out his hard work incurred by him for getting those sexy six pack abs. © Dots to lines, Chaim Machlev.Beautiful flowerstomachtattoo of a girl really impresses us.

Old School Empire Trooper Star Wars tattoo

Similarly, there is no restriction of designs for male also. Designs varying from tribal to biomechanical, quote stomach tattoos to portrait belly tattoos are popular for them. So, have you decided on your trendy stomach tattoo? From these examples of tantalizing stomach tattoos for girls you can find just the art work that’s right for you. No doubt there is a tattoo idea that will inspire you to check your tattoo artist next time.

Lettering tattoos have been famous for many years. The iconic owl tattoo design looks fabulous on the stomach. It shows the signs of creativity and fiction that are attached to a meaningful symbol of deep freedom and knowledge. If you are a person who doesn’t want to show tattoos always. Societies were judging people with their tattoos and hated people who love body art.


You can use the color combination which will make the tattoo look realistic and actual. The tattoo is especially meant for the girls with curvy figure and who are not willing to put on weight any sooner. Add all the elements of your choice and come out with a beautiful design for yourself. Floral patterns look really cool on any girl.

girl stomach tattoo ideas

Go for a colored Giraffe it will really look cool on your flat tummy. The tattoo will cover your entire lower stomach including the upper part also. This one is a perfect design for animal lovers who do not hesitate to flaunt their love for animals. Butterfly tattoos are the most common tattoos among girls and make the perfect tattoo on a flat tummy. Go for a 3D butterfly tattoo on your flat tummy, it looks real and mesmerizing. While you have a 3D butterfly on your tummy it will appear as a real butterfly is sitting on your tummy.

Catchiest Live Laugh Love Tattoos

© Ryan Ashley Malarkey.Filigree stomach tattoos designs.A large filigree stomach piece can be worn by women to cover their minor pregnancy marks. Though, if harsh and deep stretchmarks are very difficult. However, her flower stomach tattoo is really beautiful. © Chris Henry.Anchor stomach tattoos designs.Traditional anchor and swallow tattoo inked on stomach of a girl. © Abaddon Tattoo Studios.Quote stomach tattoos for girls.

For our creativity lovers, beautiful stomach tattoos are perfect. The genuine work of art that these tattoos carry is really stunning. By putting up a low waists or short tops, they love to flaunt their tattoos. Males really work hard in gyms to get flat bellies and in form of stomach tattoos they get a gift for their six or eight pack abs. And at the same time they get chance to add masculine feature to their bodies by tattooing their stomachs. This tattoo features a black ink version of your favorite religious passage.

However, this tattoo is quite intelligent and can become a good tattoo if done precisely by the tattoo artist. A person can ink this tattoo to motivate themselves to overcome their struggles in life, as to how the moon manages to get through all the darkness. For a cooler look, you can add some colors and elements to such tattoos. These tattoos will catch your attention instantly as they are made with lots of curves, exciting colors, and inks. Choose the design of the tattoo wisely that suit and match your personality. A stomach Tattoo is one of the best to do it.

girl stomach tattoo ideas

The majority of individuals today acquire ink painting just to draw attention. Stomach tattoos should always tried after pregnancy because a stomach tattoo on normal belly will be ruined on after pregnancy belly. Pregnancy often leaves elongated stretch marks that are too hard to hide. Traditional tattoos like this are ideal choice to try on stomach. Yeah, many people like to have really weird tattoos. Don’t be afraid to have a unique design like this on your tummy.

Death Moth Tattoo Skull

‘Amore’ is a Spanish word that means love can be tattooed on your body to reflect the love for a special person in your life. However, you can also give this tattoo a scary look, as given in the picture. Is your aim is to make your body look more sensuous?

Somehow a stomach tattoo like this one that features hibiscus flowers belongs to a female who’s not afraid to express herself. © Megan Carroll By Sal, Shogun Tattoo.Wings stomach tattoos.Never lose hope, a Diamond wing tattoo on her lower stomach. And can relate to this exotic design’s vibe.

Invariably stomach tattoos for girls are often quite captivating and it’s easy to see why so many girls love to have a tat there. You’ll notice that girls quite often put their tattoos below the navel so they are easily seen. Fact is, most female stomach tattoos are well placed to attract attention. Primarily tattoos on stomach are favored by women which is the reason why most of the stomach tattoo designs are so feminine and delicate.

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